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FAQ's about Hair Extensions










You may have many questions about hair extensions. Here are the most frequently asked questions about hair extensions. If you have questions that are not answered below, send them to our Support Staff.

Do I need special hair care products after I get hair extensions?
Some hair extension methods will require special hair care products. Always ask in the consultation what hair care products you will need to take care of your extensions.

How often do I need to maintain my hair extensions?
Maintenance schedules for hair extensions are typically every 6-8 weeks.

How long does it take to get hair extensions?
It depends on the type and amount of extensions that you are getting, but generally speaking it can take from several hours up to a full day to put hair extensions in.

I have heard stories of the hair extension tangling and matting up.  How do I avoid this?
Whenever hair extensions tangle and matte, it is almost always a problem of hair quality.  Quality human hair is EXPENSIVE.  All the cuticles are running in the same direction (Hair is cut off a donors head and kept in the same direction) and the hair is virtually unprocessed.  Cheaper quality hair is taken from brushes or off the floor, stripped of its cuticles (Similar to 8 perms in a row) and then coated with a silicone layer to make it appear shiny.  After a few washes the silicone layer comes off and the hair becomes tangled and mattes.  Make sure you are using quality hair.

What type of human hair is available?
The main types of human hair available are European, Indian and Asian Hair

See Hair Boutique Article for description of different types of hair.


How are hair extensions attached?
There are so many different methods of attaching hair extensions that we wrote a book about them:  Hair Extensions Exposed

In short, hair extensions can be attached using fusion sewing, braiding, tiny locs, heat clamps and they can even be clipped in.

What sort of price range is there for human hair extensions?
Depending on what you want done, human hair extensions have a very broad range of pricing.  It can go up to $1000's for a full head of hair.  Also, you must consider the price of the human hair, regular maintenance visits and any special hair products you need to use.

Can I still color or perm my hair after I get hair extensions?
Human hair can be colored and permed, but synthetic hair cannot.  It is advisable that you consult your hair stylist before perming or coloring your human hair extensions. Some of the human hair used for extensions has already been chemically processed and it is not recommended to color or perm the hair.

I want to know what long hair will look like on me before I go and pay for hair extensions. Any advice?
There are several hair imaging companies available that allow you to see what different hair styles will look like. Check out our Free Hair Styles Demos

Should I get fiber extensions or human hair extensions?
Synthetic fiber hair extensions have many advantages over human hair extensions. They weigh about 1/3 the weight of human hair, thus putting much less stress on the roots. In general, they are less expensive than human hair, but do have some styling restrictions.

Will hair extensions damage my hair?
If the extensions are not applied properly, they can damage your hair. Be sure to do your research!!!! I have thinning hair. Would hair extensions be a good idea for me? Some hair extensions methods are designed specifically for people with thinning hair.

Where can I find a hair extension stylist or salon in my area?
Visit our Salon Directory to locate the nearest salon. Email our Support Staff with your zip code if there are no salons listed in your area.