Hair Extensions | Methods | Salons |Costs




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*No heat, no weaving, no tension, no sewing, no chemicals, no glue method

*Hair is reusable

*System lasts about 3-4 months

Hair:  100% European origin Remi human hair is used. The hair is called Euroblend-which is a mixture of different hair qualities (not including Chinese hair). The hair is bonded on the tips with a special wax. Hair is processed and distributed by Eurolocs ®.

Attachment:  Natural hair needs to be a minimum of about 2-in. long. The natural hair is separated and clipped together. Natural strands are pulled through a small copper shell and crimped on using a special tool. The copper shell matches the color of your hair. A full head of extensions can take between 3-4 hours.

Maintenance:  Eurolocs ® requires the use of Protina shampoo and balm along with a special Eurolocs® hair brush.

Costs:  Average costs for a full head of extensions is $900-1200 and up.
Eurolocs ® Company Info:
Established: Blond & Braun Founded 1984
Salzburg, Austria: Europe
Founder: Mrs. G. Berger
Hair Used: Euroblend human hair processed by Eurolocs®
Method: Micro Shells
Certification Required: YES
Cosmetology License: YES
Training: Eurolocs ® Distributors provide required training on the proper use of Eurolocs® hair extensions
Guarantees: Consult with your Eurolocs ® hair stylist to discuss guarantees.

Where to find salons: Call Toll free (In USA) 1.800.387.6562:  1.800.EUROLOCS